
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

just a hobby or a disorder ?

I cannot sit idle except when I'm surfing the web. I just have to do something. That's why furniture gets rearranged very often, like about once every 2-3 months . Honestly it gives my house a different look. Feng shui experts recommend it at least once a few months when the energy gets stale. A family member once commented that he thought he had entered a wrong house as soon as he opened the door because the entrance was suddenly completely different.

Is this a sign that I'm bored or it a compulsive rearranging disorder ? My friends claim they hardly rearrange their furniture. To me it's a hobby. I love doing it. It's my stress reduction formula.
With the children who have all grown up and left home, I overhauled their rooms and with minimal furniture to easily accommodate new or returning family members. My daughter returned home for 2 months when she gave birth. I 'modified' her room to accommodate a mini nursery without hammering down walls,getting ideas from the internet no doubt. All I did was think about how I could incorporate existing furniture and decorations. I remodified it again after she left.
When my 2 daughters got married, I single handedly converted their room into a wedding room without having to fork out tons of money. My rearranging passion came handy.
My home has no clashing colors and design elements has to blend in. Anything out of place gets removed.I am always very satisfied with the results. I must be doing a pretty good job because I often have friends, neighbors and relatives asking me for ideas or to help out with their furniture layouts.

My kitchen is my focus. I love shifting almost everything except the sink. Since I spend most of my time in the kitchen, I want to love spending my time in there. My kitchen is my pride and joy.

The kitchen is as much an important part of the home as any other room. No matter how big or small it may be it makes sense to spend a little time in organizing the kitchen space. After all, a well planned and organized kitchen can save a lot of time and make life simpler while cooking.
To me rearranging is a fully engaging and enjoyable pastime.

Sep 8, 2010

jessie juanita adam

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