
Friday, April 13, 2012

Homeopathic prevention and treatment for whooping cough - 7 common remedies that work

(NaturalNews) Whooping cough is a bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract, primarily effecting both vaccinated and unvaccinated children. It's highly contagious, and adult whooping cough is not uncommon. It starts as a common cold and develops into a spasmodic, persistent, suffocative cough accompanied by a sore throat, fever, mucus secretion and vomiting. Coughing continues until the lungs are emptied of air and the sudden, hard intake of breath causes the characteristic whooping sound. Coughing attacks are fierce and can occur up to 40 times daily, lasting for two months or longer.

There are many homeopathic remedies that can prevent and treat whooping cough symptoms. The best remedy for you or your child should be chosen by an experienced homeopath based on individual symptoms.

Drosera Rotundifolia

Drosera will provide relief for many cases of whooping cough if these symptoms are present:The patient has a loud, barking, frequent, spasmodic cough preventing him from catching his breath; Whooping cough symptoms are worse in the evening and night and often begin the minute the person's head touches the pillow on lying down; There may be sharp pains in the chest, tickling in the throat episodes, and excessive sweating during the night.


Grindelia is indicated for a dry, spasmodic cough accompanied by wheezing. There is usually foamy, thick mucus which becomes stuck in the trachea and is difficult to expel. Breathing becomes much more difficult when lying and is made worse during coughing paroxysms. The patient is forced to sit up straight in order to catch his breath.

Antimonium Tartaricum

Whooping cough symptoms are worse when the patient is overly excited or angry. The cough is often rattling and productive, causing vomiting of food and mucus. The remedy is helpful for both children and the elderly especially when whooping cough symptoms are accompanied by weakness and an inability to cough up mucus trapped in the chest. The person needing this remedy will be irritable, demanding and depressed. The tongue may be coated white. Warm drinks will aggravate the cough and there may be vomiting after midnight.

Curpum Metallicum

Cuprum is a whooping cough remedy indicated when the coughing is accompanied by convulsions. There are muscle spasms, clenched fists and cramping accompanying an attack. Coughing is excessively violent and may threaten suffocation. There may be rattling in the chest and the child may cough up tough, gelatinous mucous. The lips and face turn blue. A drink of cold water provides temporary relief.


Ipecacuanha, or Ipecac, has a convulsive cough where the individual becomes pale and blue and breathless. The child will stiffen her body during an attack and be extremely nauseous, which is relieved by vomiting. The cough will be "gagging" in nature with much stringy, tenacious mucus discharge. Coughing is very violent and whooping episodes follow one after the next with no chance of recovering the breath. The individual is weak and limp from exhaustion.


Effective in the early stages of whooping cough symptoms, Belladona is will provide relief when the onset is sudden and accompanied by a severe headache. The child may grasp her throat during an attack, appear fearful and cling to the parent. There may be a bloody nose brought on by coughing and possible fever. A strong indication for this remedy is when the coughing attacks end in sneezing.

Coccus Cacti

This remedy is indicated if coughing is accompanied by vomiting of long strings of ropy mucus extending from both nose and mouth. The coughing episodes are worse in the morning and almost non-existent at night; and made better by drinking cold water. Mucus causes choking.

Sources for this article include:

University of Maryland Medical Center: Cough

Medical College of Wisconsin: 200 Non-Opioid Anti-Tussives

Natural News: Vaccine failure admitted: Whooping cough outbreaks higher among children already vaccinated

Sam Adkins: Treating Whooping Cough with Homeopathy

ABC Homeopathy: Drosera Rotundifolia

Homeopathy Plus: Whooping Cough -- Homeopathic Prevention and Treatment

Homeopathy for Woment: Homeopathy for Whooping Cough

Boericke, William; Materia Medica and Repertory; Jain Publishing, 1998

About the author:
JB Bardot is trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. You can find her on Facebook at or on Twitter at jbbardot23

Thursday, April 12, 2012 by: JB Bardot

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