
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Clear Evidence that Music is Haram

The Religion of Islaam has made clear the prohibition of Music, as is clear from the Qur'aan, ahaadeeth of the Messenger and the understanding of the Companions , when all three are taken together.

From the Qur'aan:

Allaah says, what means: "Do you marvel at this statement, and laugh and do not weep, while you amuse yourselves [proudly] in vanities ? Rather, prostrate before Allaah and worship Him [alone]." [Surah An-Najm (The Star) Verse 59 to 62 ]

According to Ibn Abbaas , the word 'saamidoon' in this verse refers to the mushrikeen's habit of singing and playing music noisily whenever they heard the Qur'aan being recited, in order to drown out the reciters voice so that others wouldn't hear it.

Also, Allaah says (regarding Satan) what means: "'And excite any of them whom you can with your voice. Assault them with your cavalry and infantry, be a partner with them in their wealth and children, and make them promises.' But Satan promises them nothing except deceit." [Surah Al-Isra (The Journey by Night) Verse 64]

Some of the taabi'een such as ad-Dahhaak and Mujaahid interpreted Satan's exciting mankind with his voice to mean through the use of music, song and amusement. Ad-Dahhaak said it was the sound of wind instruments. However according to Ibn Abbaas , the voice mentioned in the verse refers to every form of invitation which calls to the disobedience of Allaah the Exalted, which seems to be the most correct interpretation.

Finally, Allaah says what means: "And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing, etc.) to mislead (men) from the Path of Allaah without knowledge, and takes it (the Path of Allaah, the Verses of the Qur'aan) by way of mockery. For such there will be a humiliating torment (in the Hell-fire)." [Surah Luqman (Prophet Luqman) Verse 6]

Ibn Masood said about this verse "I swear by the One other than Whom there is no God that it refers to singing [ghinaa].", and he repeated this three times. Ibn Abbaas said it referred to 'singing and the like' while Jaabir is reported to view its meaning to signify singing and listening to songs. Many taabi'oon such as Mujaahid, Ikrimah, Mak-hool and Umar ibn Shu'ayb viewed it as a censure of music and song.

From the ahaadeeth of the Messenger :
Contrary to the commonly held belief, there are a number of authentic narrations from the Prophetic Sunnah which clearly point to the indisputable fact that music, instruments, singing to accompaniment, etc. are objects prohibited by the Islaamic Sharia. The exceptions to this general rule are specific , limited types of innocent singing or chanting without any instrumental accompaniment or to the accompaniment of a simple hand drum (daff) on certain occasions designated by the sunnah.

Unfortunately, many Muslims entertain the misconception that all the ahaadeeth relating to music, singing and musical instruments are either weak (da'eef) or forged (mawdoo') - a position that is untenable.

The Narration of al-Bukhaaree:
The Prophet said : "There will be [at some future time] people from my Ummah who will seek to make lawful fornication, the wearing of silk, wine drinking and the use of musical instruments [ma'aazif]. Some people will stay at the side of the mountain and when their shepherd comes in the evening to ask them for his needs, they will say : 'Return to us tomorrow'. Then Allaah will destroy them during the night by causing the mountain to fall upon them, while He changes others into apes and swine. They will remain in such a state until the Day of Resurrection." al-Jowhari, the author of the ancient dictionary 'as-Sihaah', asserts that ma'aazif signifies musical instruments, al-'aazif indicates one who sings, and the 'azf of the wind is its voice..

Az-Zabeedi also says that ma'aazif are instruments of leisure which are drummed upon or played, like the loot ('ood) , the drum (tanboor), the small hand drum (daff) or other such musical objects.

Ibn Hajar in Fathul-Baaree relates that 'azf is also used to describe singing (ghinaa).

This authentic hadeeth clearly establishes the prohibition of music and singing and this in itself is sufficient for the one who really wishes to see the Truth of the affair. However there are other authentic narrations on the subject that we quote below.

The Narration of Ibn Maajah :
The Messenger of Allaah said : "A people of my Ummah will drink wine, calling it by other than its real name. Merriment will be made for them through the playing of musical instruments and the singing of female singers. Allaah will cleave the earth under them and turn others into apes and swine."
This hadeeth has also been narrated by al-Bayhaaqi and ibn Asaakir, and has been authenticated by the renowned scholar of hadeeth Ibn al-Qayyim.

Narrations of Ahmed bin Hanbal :
The Messenger of Allaah said : "Verily Allaah prohibited wine, gambling and al-koobah; and every intoxicant is prohibited." Sufyan said : " I asked the narrator, Ali bin Badheemah, ' What is al-Koobah?' He answered, 'It is the drum'."

The Messenger of Allaah said : "Verily Allaah has prohibited for my Ummah wine, gambling, a drink distilled from corn, the drum and the lute; while He supplemented me with another Prayer, the witr"

The Narration of Haakim and Others :
That the Messenger of Allaah said : "Verily I did not prohibit weeping [per se], but rather I forbade two voices [sowtayn] which are imbecilic [ahmaq] and sinfully shameless [faajir]: one a voice [singing] to the accompaniment of musical amusement [lahw] and Satan's [wind] instruments; the other, a voice [wailing] due to some calamity, accompanied by striking of the face and tearing of garments. But this [weeping off mine] stems from compassion, and whosoever does not show compassion will not receive it."
This hadeeth is graded Hasan, and has been strengthened by other narrations.

The Narration of Abu Bakr ash-Shaafi'ee : Anas bin Maalik related from the Prophet that "two cursed sounds are that of the [wind] instrument [mizmaar] played on the occasion of joy and grace, and woeful wailing upon the occurrence of adversity."

These narrations should prove sufficient to show the illegality of music and singing to musical accompaniment to the one "has a heart or gives ear while he is heedful." [Surah Qaf Verse 37].

From the statements of the Companions :
The Sahaabah were the best people after the Messenger of Allaah , and best understood the deen of Islaam as they understood it directly from the Messenger . The ijmaa' (consensus) of the Sahaabah is therefore binding upon the Muslim Ummah, as is the complete consensus of any generation of scholars on a certain religious issue.

The Companions unanimously agreed upon the prohibition of music and song but allowed particular exceptions specified by the authentic sunnah.

In the preceding sections we have already quoted some of the Sahaabah such as Ibn Masood and Ibn Abbaas . This was also the view of the Four Rightly Guided Khulafaa and the fuqahaa from amongst the Sahaabah .

Music is Haraam

References within the context of the Holy Qur`aan along with the Hadith of the Prophet confirm that music is haraam.
Interpreters of the Qur`aan have defined the term `lahwal hadith` which is mentioned in the Qur`aan as:

1) Singing and listening to songs.
2) Purchasing of male and female singers.
3) Purchase of instruments of fun and amusement.

When Sayyidana Abdullah Ibne Mas`ood , a very close companion of our Prophet was asked about the meaning of the term `lahwal hadith`, he replied

“I swear by Him besides whom there is no other God,that it refers to ghinaa (singing ).”
This statement, he repeated three times. This view is unanimously supported by the four Khalifas, the eminent Sahabaah, Tabi`een, the four Imaams and other reliable Islaamic scholars and authorities.

One hadith from the Bukhari Shareef, the most authentic Book of Hadith, further confirms unlawfulness of music and singing :

`There will be people of my Ummah who will seek to make lawful; fornication, wine-drinking and the use of ma`aazif ( musical instruments ).`
Detailed analysis of the arabic word `ma`aazif ` shows that it refers to musical instruments, the sounds of those musical instruments and singing with the accompaniment of instruments.

Closer analysis of the wordings of the Hadith establishes the prohibition of music. Firstly, the words `seek to make lawful ` shows that music is not permissible, as logically one can only seek to make lawful that which is not allowed. Secondly, if music was not prohibited, then it would not have been brought within the same context as fornication and wine-drinking.


Muslims are aware that nothing has been prohibited by Allah except that which is harmful to the welfare of a Muslim individual and the society as a whole. The divine attribute behind the prohibition of music can be comprehended by looking into the diverse influence music can have.

Experiments carried out by doctors and professors have confirmed that the music of today is such that it does not only affect the brain, but each and every organ of one`s body. There is a close relationship between music and bodily movements. We find that people listening to music automatically start tapping their fingers and feet, as if the music is permeating in their blood.

It is also proved that music affect`s one`s emotions, increases arousal in terms of alertness and excitement and also leads to various physiological changes in the person. In a psychology experiment, it was found that listening to moderate type of music increased one`s normal heart beat, whilst listening to rock music the heart beat increased even further, yet people claim that music has no effect.

It is a very ignorant and misguided attitude to percieve music as a form of pleasure and passing of time, since the messages of today`s music follow a general theme of love, fornication, drugs and freedom.

We find that the whole world is obsessed with the kufr idea of freedom, i.e. freedom of speech, freedom of movement, etc. In modern schools and universities, we observe independence, free expression and secular thinking being encouraged. This idea of freedom, “ It`s my life, I`ll do what I want” is a predominant, underlying theme of today`s music. It is being used as a means for drilling those modern ideologies that are totally contrary to Islamic Shariah and values, into the minds of Muslims.

One should abstain from evil audacities such as listening to music and encourage others to do the same too.


1 comment:

  1. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat

    The scholar of the ummah, Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbaas (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) said:
    "This means singing."
    (Tafseer al-Tabari, 21/40)

    Al-Hasan al-Basri (R.A) said:
    "This aayah was revealed concerning singing and musical instruments."
    (Tafseer Ibn-e-Katheer, 3/451)

    Allah also says:
    "Do you then wonder at this recitation (the Qur'aan)?
    And you laugh at it and weep not,
    Wasting your (precious) lifetime in pastime and amusements (singing, Music, etc)"
    Surah al-Najm (53) Ayah: 59-61

    Prophet Muhammad Sal'Allahu Alaihi Wasallam said:
    "From among my ummah there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of MUSICAL instruments, as Halal."
    Sahih al-Bukhari, Book: 7 Volume: 69, Hadith: 494

    Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
