
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

4 reasons dental problems are causing illness in your body

(NaturalNews) Teeth have been treated as tools rather than a living part of our physiology. They have been pulled, drilled, and filled, and as a result, significant damage has been inflicted to the rest of the body. This is why it's vitally important to understand the four reasons dental problems are causing illness in the body, and how to help remedy them.

Infections under the teeth
Pockets of infection can exist under the teeth and be undetectable by x-rays. This is especially true for teeth that have had root canals, as it is incredibly hard to remove bacteria and toxins from the roots during this procedure.

These infections may persist for years without the patient's knowledge. When infections are present, toxins can leak out and depress the function of the immune system, leading to chronic degenerative diseases throughout the body. Once the infection is eliminated, many of the symptoms will disappear.

To help keep your mouth free of unwanted bacteria, consider oil pulling which can help remove unwanted bacteria.

Root canals
Michael Ziff, D.D.S., points out through research that 100 percent of root canals result in residual infection, and may be due to the imperfect seal that allows bacteria to penetrate. The oxygen-lacking environment of a root canal can cause bacteria to undergo changes, producing potent toxins that leak out into the body.

The late Weston Price, D.D.S., M.S., F.A.C.D., also found that toxins leaking out of root canals may cause systemic diseases of the heart, kidney, uterus, and nervous and endocrine systems.

Dr. Huggins adds to this by stating that when a tooth with a root canal is removed, the periodontal ligament that attaches to the tooth should also be removed, otherwise a pocket infection may remain. Full removal of the tooth and ligament stimulates the old bone to produce new bone for healing.

Toxicity from restoration materials
Dental amalgam fillings can release mercury, tin, copper, and silver into the body. These metals have various degrees of toxicity, and when used as fillings for teeth, can corrode or disassociate into metallic ions. These ions then migrate from the tooth to the root, the mouth, the bone, the connective tissues of the jaw, and finally into the nerves. This allows them to travel into the central nervous system, where the ions will permanently reside, disrupting the body's normal functioning if they are not removed.

While all metals used for dental restoration are toxic, the most harmful are mercury dental amalgams (silver) used for fillings. These "silver fillings" contain 50 percent mercury and only 25 percent silver. Mercury has been recognized as a poison since the 1500s, yet they have been used in dentistry since the 1820s.

As astutely stated by Richard D. Fischer, D.D.S., "I don't feel comfortable using a substance (mercury amalgams) designated by the EPA to be a waste disposal hazard. I can't throw it in the trash, bury it in the ground, or put it in a landfill, but they say it's okay to put it in people's mouths. That doesn't make sense".

Avoid mercury fillings, and have existing ones properly removed by a biological dentist.

Due to its mineral content, saliva in the mouth is electrically conductive. When saliva interacts with a dental restoration containing metal, a battery is created causing an effect known as electrogalvanism. This is literally electricity generated by a person's fillings.

The saliva acts as a conductant and the dissimilar metal fillings try to neutralize each other to balance out the electrical charge. This causes toxic materials from the filling to erode, and leak into the body. This can cause a lack of concentration and memory, insomnia, psychological problems, tinnitus, vertigo, epilepsy, hearing loss, and eye problems.

Proceed cautiously when considering dental procedures, and eat properly to avoid them altogether.

Sources for this article include:

Trivieri, Larry, and John W. Anderson. Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide. Second ed. Celestial Arts, 2002.

About the author:
Derek Henry, B.Kin, is a highly revered holistic health coach and world renowned natural health blogger who created Healing the Body to help people understand the fundamental principles to exceptional health so they can overcome their own health challenges.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014 by: Derek Henry
Tags: dental problems, root canals, oil pulling

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