
Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Above Mason Memorial in Eilat, Israel

There is only one road leading from Eilat to the Egyptian border at Taba and the last circle before getting to the border you will find this Masonic Memorial in the middle of the road. As usual symbolism means everything in this organization. The two columns represents the two pillars of Solomon�s Temple.

It's obvious Satan's Clubhouse (Masonry) is having something to do with Israeli society being mostly secular, and not spiritual. One must first understand, that under their canopy of one "Great Architect of the Universe" theology, Masonry has been adept at making "strategic alliances" with Satanists, The Brotherhood, Spiritists, Wicca, Druids, Cabalists, Hindu and Islam. Shriners are Masonry's Islamic wing. It is from this alliance that their "Messiah" will appear. Masons treat all these groups and beliefs as all equal. Christianity which views all the above as pagans is simply one among many to a Mason.

Freemasonry has always planned to gain control of the Temple Mount, so they can rebuild Solomon's Temple. As soon as they rebuild this Temple, their Masonic Christ will appear on the earth, claiming to be the Jewish Messiah for whom Israel has long been awaiting. This "Christ" will be the Biblical Antichrist. Christian writer Texe Marrs writes: On the heap of its ruins, the Masons intend to build a Jewish Masonic temple where they and their satanically energized messiah shall worship and pay homage to the Egyptian double-headed eagle deity, Mammon-Ra, the god of money and prosperity (Daniel 11:37-39).

It is obvious that the Masonic presence is not only very present but getting very bold throughout Israel. The Masonic Grand Lodge meets in Tel-Aviv, but there are Masonic Temples (about 70) in all important cities, from Nahariya in the north to Eilat, Israel's southern port on the Red Sea. See the numerous Masonic lodges in Israel: here

The Quest to Rebuild the Temple

- Two weeks after the 1967 Six-Day War which saw Jerusalem and the Temple Mount brought under Israeli control, there occurred the greatest freemasonic meeting in history in London, celebrating 250 years since the founding of UGLE (United Grand Lodge of England), at which the Duke of Kent was installed as the new Grand Master.

- Shortly after, the QC Lodge dispatched a member, the Jewish physicist Dr. Asher Kaufman, to begin studies on the exact location of where the Temple originally stood.

- The Temple Mount Faithful was also established at this time by Stanley Goldfoot, which is presently led by Gershon Solomon.

- In December of 1995, a month after Rabin was assassinated, the Jerusalem Lodge (91) was established adjacent to the Temple Mount in the underground Grotto of King Solomon. This lodge was founded by Giuliano Di Bernardo, and at the opening ceremony he declared, "The rebuilding of the Temple is at the center of our studies."
sumber : Kesedaran Dunia Akhirat

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