
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Natural cures for vaginal yeast infections


Natural cures for vaginal yeast infections

NaturalNews) Vaginal yeast infections are almost always a symptom of systemic yeast. If you find a natural cure works and you soon have symptoms again, it's time rid yourself of Candida overgrowth.

There are many options for treating vaginal yeast infections. Some are messy, some are soothing, and some are downright uncomfortable.

Natural cures include:
  • Garlic
  • Colloidal Silver
  • Tea tree oil
  • Oil of Oregano
  • Undecylenic Acid
  • Coconut oil & Neem oil
  • Apple Cider Vinegar


Garlic is a time honored cure for vaginal yeast infections. Peel a garlic bulb. For easy retrieval you can sew a string through it. At bedtime, insert the clove into the vagina. Remove in the morning. It's that simple. If you cut slits in the bulb, it will work even better. Or you can slice it in half. Slicing and dicing actually increase the "dosage" or strength. Don't be surprised when you find you can taste the garlic. This is a good reminder that every part of our body is connected through fluids and that yeast is a systemic problem.

Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver kills yeast on contact. Besides coconut or neem oil, colloidal silver is the least effective within the list, though many do swear by it. Also, it does not cause a burning sensation like many other choices. For a douche, use 1 tablespoon colloidal silver to 8 ounces of water.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil can be used in a douche (20 drops to 8 ounces of water) or applied directly to a tampon and inserted into the vagina. You can either soak a tampon in tea tree oil or coat it with coconut oil (to keep the tea tree oil from absorbing) and add drops of tea tree oil.

Oil of Oregano

Gelcaps can be inserted directly into the vagina at night. Body heat will melt the gel. Use 20 drops of oil of oregano liquid to 8 ounces of water for a douche. It can also be used on a tampon (see tea tree oil above).

Undecylenic Acid

Undecylenic acid kills Candida very quickly, however be forewarned--it burns. You can poke a hole in the gelcaps and squeeze the oil directly into the vagina or use 1-3 capsules in 8 ounces of water for a douche. You can also use it on a tampon (see above) or add to coconut oil.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is an antifungal but it may work best when mixed with other more potent antifungal oils such as oil of oregano or tea tree oil. When an infection is severe and the outer tissues are affected, coconut oil can be a soothing relief. Neem oil is another oil with relatively weaker antimicrobial properties that can be used in a similar manner.

Apple Cider vinegar

To douche with apple cider vinegar, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 8 ounces of filtered water.

Warnings and things to know

While undecylenic acid (and to a lesser extent, apple cider vinegar) burn sensitive skin, they are not causing damage. Garlic, tea tree oil, and oil of oregano can damage tissue. If the vagina's tissue are healthy enough, and most people's are, it should not be of concern, but please be cautious and use common sense. Try a little at a time, build up, and listen to your body. Neem oil and coconut oil can be used as a base for other more irritating ingredients like the tea tree oil (you can also crush garlic into neem or coconut oil). For most people, undecylenic acid is typically the most painful of the recommendations, but it also is faster and more effective than any other we know of. And, even though it burns, we don't know of any reports of damage to the skin.

Some will swear by the practice of inserting plain yogurt into the vagina. An ingenious method for doing this is to freeze yogurt inside of tampon inserters. The only problem with this remedy is that most store bought yogurt has weak bacteria, and the pasteurized milk feeds the yeast. If not done right, this protocol can backfire and make the problem even worse.


The bottom line is, if you suffer from vaginal yeast infections, Candida is affecting your whole body, and needs to be dealt with where it starts, the intestinal tract. Almost everyone eats too much sugar, even most of us health nuts. Almost everyone has too much Candida, more than what should occur in nature. Check out How to Kill Candida and How Candida Leads to Depression. See the first source for foods we should avoid to reduce vaginal yeast infections.

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