
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Mercury fillings - Health issues and how to heal from dental amalgams

(NaturalNews) Mercury is one of the most toxic substances known to man and yet many of us have mercury fillings in our teeth that are slowing poisoning our bodies. Each time we eat, brush our teeth, drink, or in any way stimulate a filling, mercury vapor is released. We inhale or ingest this toxic substance all day, every day.

Mercury is a neurotoxin that, upon contact, will melt the myelin sheath that coats a nerve, causing the nerve to immediately shrivel and die.? Mercury is extremely harmful to the neurological system and also adversely affects the immune system, cardiovascular system and the reproductive system. ?In fact, it is extremely toxic to any living tissue.

It is accumulative in our bodies. Our bodies do not recognize heavy metals like mercury as a pathogen. Due to their molecular similarities to minerals we need for health, our bodies respond to heavy metals the same way, incorporating them into our cells. Low levels of mercury continuously released into our bodies cause a number of problems from mental acuity and fatigue to chronic illnesses. ?

Removing mercury fillings

Your amalgam fillings can be removed and replaced with safe fillings, but it is imperative that you find a highly qualified professional with experience who takes every precaution to minimize your mercury exposure throughout the process.

As mercury fillings are removed they release mercury vapor and particles. For this reason there are specific protocols you want to be sure your chosen dentist follows to ensure your safety (and the safety of the dental staff).

Safe protocol to remove amalgam (mercury) fillings

  • Eye Protection--Your eyes should be covered with goggles to prevent contact with both vapors and particles.
  • Airway Protection--Your air should be supplied through a breathing apparatus with forced air (like the one used to deliver gas)
  • Extra Suction - Extra suction is used to continually draw away vapors and particles
  • Skin Protection - your entire face should be covered with draping to prevent contact with vapors and particles.
  • Rubber dam - A rubber dam should be used within the mouth to catch particles and prevent you from swallowing them or inhaling vapors.
It is important that you thoroughly rinse your mouth and gargle after the extraction of the filling.

If your dentist does not truly understand the risks involved and wear protective gear and use airway protection, do not trust this person to take care of you.

How to find a dentist to remove your fillings safely

You want to find a biological dentist. They are holistic practitioners that treat the mouth as a part of the entire body and understand the cause and effect of mercury on the entire system.

International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine has a database of practitioners. [1] You might also try the Mercury Safe Dentist Directory. [2] See the first source for a homemade toothpaste recipe to heal teeth and gums. It should also be noted for those with amalgam fillings that Candida mercury is a precursor to Candida. [3] Eat lots of garlic! [4] If removing mercury fillings is not something you can do right now, or if you have had it done and need to detoxify, check out Bullet Proof Your Immune System and Mercury Fillings, Root Canals, and Cavitations.






About the author:
Michael Edwards is the founder, owner, editor-in-chief, and janitor for Organic Lifestyle Magazine and Green Lifestyle Market. At age 17, Michael weighed more than 360 pounds. He suffered from ADHD, allergies, frequent bouts of illness, and chronic, debilitating insomnia.

Conventional medicine wasn't working. While he restored his health through alternative medicine he studied natural health and became immersed in it.

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