
Friday, January 23, 2015

Potato Juice: A Cure For Some Of The Most Serious Diseases

Potato Juice: A Cure For Some Of The Most Serious Diseases

The healing properties of potatoes have been known from hundreds of years ago. Potato juice is especially known from the treatment of several diseases.
Potatoes grow all over the world and have been found in the diets of people down through time… and potatoes have great healing abilities when made into fresh juice.


12 Benefits of Potato Juice

1. Potato Juice is a wonderful anti-inflammatory agent work well for arthritis and all the other forms of inflammatory disease aches and pains, especially joint pain and back pain. And Potato Juice will increase circulation to every area of the body.
2. Potato Juice is very alkaline and works to alkalize the body in order to prevent diseases such as cardiovascular disease and even cancer.
3. Potato Juice is great for eczema and even acne helping to clear up your skin in no time.
4. Potato Juice can help you lose weight, take one cup of Potato Juice in the morning before breakfast… and in the evening 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. Potato Juice doesn’t taste that great… so make sure to mix it with other juices like carrot juice and add some honey so it tastes great!
5. Potato Juice works wonders for gout… flushing out the uric acid from your body.
6. Potato Juice lowers cholesterol too… and in general improves your over all state of health and well being.
7. Potato Juice also works well as a inexpensive detoxing agent too. Want to flush out your liver and gallbladder then give Potato Juice a try. And Potato Juice has been used in Japan and other places in the world to treat hepatitis with good success.
8. There are studies showing that Potato Juice works well for treating pancreatitis and kidney disease… including high protein values on clinical lab tests. And there’s some evidence that Potato Juice also works well for diabetes and high blood pressure.
9. Potato Juice will prevent the formation of calcium stones in the urinary tract.
10. Potato Juice has also been use for the treatment of tumors and cancer, in fact red and purple potatoes contain high amounts of anthocyanins that stops the growth of cancer cells. And yellow and orange fleshed potatoes contain lots of zeaxanthin which is important for good vision.
11. Potato Juice being alkaline is great for soothing the GI tract, curing indigestion, and helping with excess acid… and for healing a irritable gut and also healing gastric ulcers. A true miracle food for the GI tract.
12. Potato Juice is full of Vitamins A, C, B’s, and phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, zeaxanthin, fiber, and protein!
Always use ripe potatoes, potatoes that are free of black spots, new sprouts, and green areas… these areas contain toxins… make sure you remove these areas before juicing
You can add carrot juice to Potato Juice and even herbs like nettle, sage, and spirulina for an even higher nutrient rich juice that does your body good.
Give Potato Juice a try… it just might make you feel great!
Successfully treated diseases are:
• Gastritis: 1Tbspn of potato juice diluted with some water should be taken half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
• Gastric ulcer: 50ml of potato juice on an empty stomach and 50ml before lunch and dinner.
• Blood sugar levels – daily consumption of potato juice.
• Treatment for lung diseases: daily consumption of potato juice
• Cancer: Potato juice is part of the Brojsov therapy for the treatment of cancer.
• Diseases of the spleen and liver, heart disease, frequent headaches and period pains: daily consumption of potato juice.
How to prepare potato juice:
Wash the potatoes and remove any green parts of the crust. Place the potatoes in a juicer and in one minute you will have a glass full of health. Instead of using a juicer you can grate the potatoes and strain them using a linen cloth. Drink it fresh! For better taste you can add honey, lemon juice, carrot or apple.


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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about benefits of potato juice. Please keep sharing.
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