
Friday, January 16, 2015

Turmeric Honey Remedy for Keeping You Healthy Naturally

Turmeric Honey Remedy for Keeping You Healthy Naturally


Raw honey and turmeric are remedies that have been around since ancient times to treat a wide variety of illnesses. When combined, honey and turmeric’s medicinal properties become more potent making it a remedy that can fight all kinds of common illnesses while providing a wide variety of health benefits to help prolong and enhance your life.
Creating a Turmeric Honey Remedy
To create a turmeric honey remedy, combined a pint of raw organic farm fresh honey with a couple tablespoons of organic turmeric powder. You want the freshest organic ingredients possible because you want the turmeric and honey to contain the most potent medicinal properties as possible. The more processed honey and turmeric are the less health benefits they will provide to your body. Once you have the turmeric and honey combined together, you will have a home remedy or supplement you can take daily to help keep you healthy or get you healthy again.
What medicinal properties does the remedy contain?
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Digestive
  • Heart Burn Relief
  • Anti-Viral
  • Anti-Bacterial
  • Pain Relieving
  • Anti-Cancerous
  • Anti-Fungal
  • Anti-Septic
  • Anti-Spasmodic
What nutrients are in the remedy?
  • Vitamin C
  • B Vitamins
  • Protein
  • Antioxidants
  • Natural Sugars
  • Carbohydrates for Energy
  • Selenium
  • Fluoride
  • Selenium
  • Manganese
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Omega Fatty Acids
  • Phytosterols
What are the health benefits of the potent remedy?
The turmeric honey remedy is useful for treating and preventing a wide variety of health conditions. Those of you suffering from chronic pain and inflammation a couple tablespoons of the remedy can help bring relief. If you suffer from chronic or mild heartburn, or an upset stomach, taking a spoonful of the remedy during uneasy times can help bring some comfort since turmeric and honey contain digestive properties. The remedy is also useful for easing and treating coughing, mild asthma attacks, wheezing, cold and flu symptoms, viral ad bacterial infections, sore throats, mouth sores and allergy symptoms. Taking the remedy daily as a supplement can help prevent heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure and certain types of cancers. It can even support your immune system so you have a better chance at defending your body against other types of illnesses caused by environmental factors and stressors. Honey and turmeric combined have even been useful for treating inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s, IBS and ulcerative colitis. Some even take the remedy to help ease severe headaches such as migraines, tension and cluster headaches.
Precautions to Take Before Using the Remedy
Those with allergies to turmeric or honey should avoid this remedy. It is wise to speak with a doctor before using this remedy to treat any kind of health condition naturally. If your doctor gives you the okay, it is perfectly all right to take this remedy up to four times a day by tablespoon to treat a common health condition and once a day by tablespoon to maintain health. It is also wise not to give this remedy to children under the age of two since younger ones have sensitivities to spices and honey.
Bottom Line for Turmeric and Honey
When it comes to two of the best natural remedies, honey and turmeric are among the greatest to use for treating and preventing a wide variety of health conditions. The next time your under the weather or need help maintaining your health try combining the two together for a super food supplement that will do more than just nourish, but prolong and enhance your life by improving your overall health. Just remember, organic turmeric and raw organic honey is best since they contain the most nourishing nutrients.

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