
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Home detox - homemade all natural house cleaners


Home detox - homemade all natural house cleaners

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( NaturalNews) So, you've decided to get healthy. You're going all the way. You've cleaned up your diet. You're exercising regularly. What's left to do? You need to detox. But first, take a good hard look at the chemicals you use on a daily basis and get rid of them.

Dump the toxic shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, after shave or perfume, soap, lotion, make-up - whatever it is you put on your body and pretend your skin doesn't soak right up like a sponge. Come on; face it. Whatever we put on our skin is drawn right into our bloodstream.

Whatever we breathe is taken right into the body as well. As soon as you are through tossing out the toxic products you use on your body, toss the toxic solutions you use to clean your home. Here are some great replacements for those noxious, dangerous chemicals you have been using.

Clean your bathtub without toxins

For years I've leaned over the tub and scrubbed with any number of cleaners from conventional to green alternatives. There are a number of ways to clean a bathtub. Not one of them comes close to this method. It is by far the easiest, cheapest, simplest way to clean your tub.

After you are through washing your body, let out half of the water. Now soap up your washrag, scrubby mitt, or whatever it is you use to wash yourself. Use it to wash out the soap ring around the tub. That same soap ring you have struggled to clean with numerous sprays and powders immediately dissolves when faced with plain old (better be organic!) soap. Just rub in a circular motion and rinse. Do this every time you take a bath and your tub stays clean.

Clean your oven without harsh chemicals

The Healthy Food Team suggests this ingenious, easy method of cleaning your oven.

Apply a paste of baking soda and water to the surfaces in your oven. Let it sit for 12 hours. Use a wet towel to wipe out the oven the next day. Spray vinegar on any residue that is left. Again, wipe with a wet towel.

How to clean floors naturally

Mop your tile, linoleum, and wooden floors with a mixture of water and vinegar. Just add 1/4 cup of vinegar to 2 gallons of warm water. Or add a few drops of your favorite essential oils to warm water.

How to naturally freshen the air

Boil citrus peels in a pot of water, spritz the air with water mixed with a few drops of essential oils, or use a diffuser with essential oils. Better yet, open your windows and let in some fresh air.

An environmentally friendly way to clean your carpets

Various sites suggest using cornmeal and/or baking soda to dry clean your carpet. No way I am putting cornmeal into the carpets. One of the reasons carpets are so hard to get really clean is that they trap dirt between the mesh that holds the carpet fibers together and the padding underneath the carpet. Why would you want to get edible bug attracting food caught there?

Baking soda? Now that's the way to go. You not only can get carpets cleaner by sprinkling baking soda on the carpet and then vacuuming it up, the carpets will smell better, too.

You can use plain hot water to wash your carpets, or you can add essential oils or vinegar to the water. For spot cleaning, try spraying with a vinegar solution of 1:1 vinegar to water.

Remember that the first thing to do when anything spills on the carpet is to blot, blot blot. After dabbing, stand on that towel to soak up anything that is trapped under the fibers. Then pour a little boiling, hot water on the area and blot it again.

Other non-toxic cleaners

Make sure you purchase truly green cleaners for washing dishes and clothes. This is not just for the environment - it is also for you! Remember you will be ingesting any chemicals that come in contact with your dishes and your skin will soak in any chemicals that come in contact with your clothes!

As far as other cleaners, use baking soda, lemons, salt, and vinegar as much as you can to replace those toxic chemical cleaners. If you do choose to purchase cleaners, read the labels well - beware of "greenwashing". Just because it says natural, doesn't mean it is.


Now that you've cleaned all of those toxic products off your shelves, it's time to clean their residue out of your body. Many chemicals are endocrine disruptors; others erode our health in numerous ways, including gut inflammation that disturbs the proper balance of bacteria so essential to all processes of the body. For a complete detox, we recommend Doc Shillington's Total Detox, but for those who need a simpler (easier and less expensive) alternative, check out the Cheap and Easy Detox Diet Plan.


About the author:
Kali Sinclair is a copywriter for Green Lifestyle Market, and a lead editor for Organic Lifestyle Magazine. Kali was very sick with autoimmune disease and realized that conventional medicine was not working for her. She has been restoring her health by natural means and is interested in topics including natural health, environmental issues, and human rights.

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