
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Best foods to detoxify the body

Best foods to detoxify the body

(NaturalNews) The benefits of detoxifying the body go well beyond merely striving to help it bounce back after a weekend of unhealthy eating or drinking. In fact, the flushing out of toxins on a regular basis helps eliminate harmful substances that gradually accumulate in the blood and, in turn, wreak havoc on the body. (1)

An overload of toxins can jeopardize health from slight issues to life-threatening conditions ranging from bad breath and acne to depression and cancer. (1) While many people choose to eat healthy, organic, whole foods, there still exist opportunities for harmful chemicals to seep into the body; everything from aluminum-containing deodorants to declining air quality are ways that people are exposed to potentially problematic health conditions.

Even some foods often considered healthy may not necessarily be, as Mike Adams demonstrated during his appearance on The Dr. Oz Show. For example, he noted that some rice protein powders, typically ones that are imported from Asia, contain high levels of lead, cadmium and even tungsten. (2) Adams expressed that his concern comes from the fact that many people ingest all kinds of toxins day in and day out, and their accumulation over time is what can negatively impact health.

Of findings like lead and tungsten, Dr. Oz says that "metals do lots of things... they're good for us, but they're not supposed to be in our foods." (2)

Best foods to help detoxify the body

To help the body purge such harmful substances, regular detoxification is beneficial. Here's a closer look at the foods that can best detoxify our system so it functions at optimal levels and stays as healthy as possible.


One of the main ingredients in this popular spice is a phytochemical called curcumin, which has been found to help the liver detox and also decrease inflammation throughout the body. (3)


Since ancient times, garlic has been used as a way to detox the body, removing toxins from the liver and kidneys. Garlic's natural substance alliin is broken down into allicin, which has healing properties that fight free radicals. (4)

Dandelion   _(

Typically something that people frown upon when seeing it all over their lawns, dandelion leaves are actually safe for consumption and a good source of potassium and iron. Whether eaten in a salad or taken as an extract, it's known to help stimulate bile production and improve liver and overall health. (5)


Chlorophyll, which is what gives vegetation its green color, may have the ability to prevent cancer-causing chemicals from being absorbed in the body. Look for parsley, arugula, green beans and spinach, which are very good chlorophyll sources. (3)

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