IMAN adalah kedua-dua : cahaya dan kekuatan ; dengannya manusia meningkat setinggi-tingginya sehingga mencapai nilai yang melayakkannya ke Syurga. Dengan kegelapan KUFUR, ia jatuh serendah-rendah darjat yang membawanya ke Neraka..
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Apa Itu Islam Moderate
- Apa Itu Islam Moderate
1. Kewujudan gerakan Islam tidak boleh dinafikan oleh sesiapa.
2. Isu ini berkaitan dengan masa depan gerakan Islam, yang secara langsung mempengaruhi masa depan Islam.
3. Kita akan mengkaji kajian RAND Corporation yang berperanan besar dalam hala tuju pertembungan antara Islam dan barat.
4. Selepas kejatuhan Soviet Rusia 1991, Amerika tidak ada musuh kecuali dunia Islam. Lalu mereka mengkaji bagaimana berhadapan dengan dunia Islam.
5. Selepas peristiwa 11 Sept 2001, Amerika memfokuskan kepada dunia Islam, siapakah musuh sebenar mereka di kalangan umat Islam.
6. Kumpulan pengkaji mencadangkan agar mereka mengambil pengajaran daripada Perang Dingin (melawan Rusia).
7. Iaitu membina jaringan dengan kumpulan Islamis yang liberal, sekular (dipanggil muslim moderate) untuk berhadapan dengan kumpulan Islamis yang tulen (dipanggil sebagai ekstrimis).
8. Moderat itu asalnya milik kita (wasatiyah) tetapi mereka ambil istilah itu untuk kumpulan Islamis yang liberal dan sekular.
9. Moderate di sisi mereka ialah mereka yang menepati ciri-ciri yang mereka telah tetapkan.
10. RAND Corporation asalnya badan strategi peperangan Amerika, dibiayai oleh Ford Foundation (Yahudi), mempunyai 1600 penyelidik dan staf, mendapat peruntukan 100-150 juta USD setahun.
11. Ada beberapa kesilapan Amerika sebelum ini:
- Tersilap kerana menyokong kumpulan Islamis di Jordan. Pengajarannya ialah perlu mengenal pasti kumpulan Islamis yang bagaimana untuk disokong.
- Tersilap kerana membiarkan Hamas memenangi ruang demokrasi dalam pilihan raya.
12. Penubuhan civil society digalakkan. Meskipun kumpulan itu hanya 5 orang dan membawa perjuangan yang salah. Bertujuan sebagai penghubung antara masyarakat dan kerajaan, menuntut apa sahaja yang mereka mahukan.
13. Liberal semakin laju apabila civil society makin banyak dan makin aktif.
14. Sebaliknya dalam kerajaan diktator, tiada perhimpunan boleh dianjurkan, kesannya liberal tidak boleh bernafas.
15. Seorang wartawan Yahudi berpengaruh menulis dalam kolum di Washington Post berkata, kita perlu mewujudkan peperangan di dalam Islam (war within Islam)
16. Tindakan mereka seterusnya ialah mengenal pasti kumpulan moderat dan liberal sebagai wakil mereka yang akan buat agenda mereka. Tidak perlu mereka sendiri yang bertindak.
17. Peranan muslim moderate ialah berbincang tentang perkara fundamental dan asas seperti murtad, hudud, hak asasi manusia, kebebasan beragama dan lain-lain.
18. Ciri-ciri muslim moderate: komitmen kepada demokrasi seperti yang difahami oleh barat.
19. Mereka mengkaji, orang Islam terbahagi kepada dua dalam menilai demokrasi: iaitu kumpulan memahami demokrasi sebagai nilai universal, satu lagi yang melihat selari dengan konsep syura Islam. Mereka tidak kisah antara dua cara faham demokrasi ini, tetapi yang mereka mahukan ialah result yang memastikan demokrasi itu memihak kepada liberal dan hak asasi manusia.Muslim Moderate :
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Pray Egypt
Pray Egypt
Seruan Syaikh Shalih As Suhaimi Kepada Ahlul Kinanah
Ketika ada seorang penanya dalam pengajian bertanya kepada Syaikh Shalih As Suhaimi Hafizhahullah,
Ketika ada seorang penanya dalam pengajian bertanya kepada Syaikh Shalih As Suhaimi Hafizhahullah,
“di negeri kami, wallahul musta’an, dunia politik senantiasa menimbulkan banyaknya pertikaian, pembunuhan, keributan dan prahara“.
Beliau pun kontan menjawab bahwa ini semua adalah tanda-tanda datangnya hari kiamat.
Apa yang
sekarang terjadi di khususnya negeri-negeri kaum Muslimin dan juga di
dunia internasional adalah tanda-tanda datangnya hari kiamat, yaitu
banyaknya keributan (chaos) yang telah dikabarkan oleh Rasulullah
shallallahu’alaihi wa sallam.
Yaitu terkadang orang yang membunuh tidak tahu mengapa ia membunuh.
Ia melihat orang lain melakukan sesuatu lalu ia pun ikut-ikutan menembakkan senjatanya.
Syaikh juga melontarkan sebuah pertanyaan yang perlu kita renungkan secara mendalam :
Syaikh juga melontarkan sebuah pertanyaan yang perlu kita renungkan secara mendalam :
“demi apa semua itu dilakukan?“.
Demi sebuah revolusi?
ataukah demi sepotong roti?
atau demi rasa lapar?
atau demi membela seseorang?
padahal terkadang orang yang dibela itu adalah seorang thagut.
Demi semua itu rela dan ridha terjadi banyak keributan (chaos) yang menghilangkan ribuan lebih nyawa kaum Muslimin?
Syaikh juga mengungkap sebuah fakta yang aneh, orang-orang yang terlibat dalam keributan tersebut beranggapan bahwa semua orang yang mati disana itu syahid meski ia orang Yahudi, Nasrani atau orang musyrik penyembah kubur.
Syaikh juga mengungkap sebuah fakta yang aneh, orang-orang yang terlibat dalam keributan tersebut beranggapan bahwa semua orang yang mati disana itu syahid meski ia orang Yahudi, Nasrani atau orang musyrik penyembah kubur.
semua dianggap syuhada, haasyaa Lillalah! Dan ini tidak lepas dari
fatwa-fatwa serampangan dari orang yang dianggap ulama atau tokoh di
tengah mereka.
Lalu Syaikh As Suhaimi pun berpesan:
Lalu Syaikh As Suhaimi pun berpesan:
“Berdoalah kepada Allah untuk kebaikan negeri-negeri Islam yang sedang mengalami fitnah semacam ini.
kepada Allah agar Ia melindungi negeri-negeri kaum muslimin dari fitnah
semacam ini. Yaitu ketika orang yang membunuh tidak tahu mengapa ia
Dan yang dibunuh pun tidak tahu mengapa ia dibunuh.
orang yang dibunuh akan berdiri di hadapan Allah ‘Azza Wa Jalla dengan
membawa kepala si pembunuh dengan kedua tangannya lalu menanyakan kepada
si pembunuh “mengapa engkau membunuhku?””.
Beliau juga menjelaskan mengapa demonstrasi itu bukan jalan yang sesuai dengan prinsip Islam. Yaitu ketika Sumayyah radhiallahu’anha dibunuh dengan sadis, kaum Muslimin tidak berdemonstrasi dan tidak tumpah ke jalan serta berteriak-teriak.
Ketika orang-orang Yahudi berusaha membunuh Nabi shallallahu’alaihi wa sallam, kaum Muslimin juga tidak berdemontrasi.
Beliau juga menjelaskan mengapa demonstrasi itu bukan jalan yang sesuai dengan prinsip Islam. Yaitu ketika Sumayyah radhiallahu’anha dibunuh dengan sadis, kaum Muslimin tidak berdemonstrasi dan tidak tumpah ke jalan serta berteriak-teriak.
Ketika orang-orang Yahudi berusaha membunuh Nabi shallallahu’alaihi wa sallam, kaum Muslimin juga tidak berdemontrasi.
yang mereka lakukan pergi berjihad di jalan Allah dan mengeluarkan
orang-orang Yahudi dari Madinah atas perintah Rasulullah
shallallahu’alaihi wa sallam.
Di dalam proses demonstrasi juga mengandung banyak hal-hal yang melanggar aturan syari’at.
bercampur-baur dengan wanita, lalu terjadilah perampasan dan
pelanggaran kehormatan, zina, diminumnya khamar, berkurangnya rasa malu,
didendangkan nyanyian.
Apakah ini semua bagian dari agama Allah?? Tentu bukan.
Jelas saja karena demonstrasi hakikatnya adalah ajaran orang-orang Barat yang sedemikian rupa mereka menanamkan prinsipnya itu hingga dianggap bagus oleh sebagian umat Islam.
Lalu Syaikh Shalih As Suhaimi pun kembali berpesan disambung dengan doa :
Jelas saja karena demonstrasi hakikatnya adalah ajaran orang-orang Barat yang sedemikian rupa mereka menanamkan prinsipnya itu hingga dianggap bagus oleh sebagian umat Islam.
Lalu Syaikh Shalih As Suhaimi pun kembali berpesan disambung dengan doa :
“Hendaknya mereka bertaqwalah kepada Allah dan kembali ke rumah-rumah mereka.
Sampaikan perkataan ini kepada mereka: bertaqwalah kalian kepada Allah di negeri Kinanah (Mesir), yang demi Allah ini negeri yang kami muliakan.
Tetapi banyak penduduknya yang tidak memuliakannya.
Tetapi banyak penduduknya yang tidak memuliakannya.
Andaikan mereka memuliakannya, tentunya mereka tidak akan melakukan perbuatan semacam ini.
Aku berdoa kepada Allah agar Ia melindungi mereka dari keburukan fitnah ini.
Dan semoga Allah mengembalikan mereka kepada kebenaran.
Allah menjauhkan mereka dari para pengacau di antara mereka, yang selalu
membuat perselisihan antara berbagai pihak yang sangat membahayakan”.
Kemudian perhatian dengan seksama seruan beliau ini, beliau berkata :
Kemudian perhatian dengan seksama seruan beliau ini, beliau berkata :
“Wahai manusia, kembalilah ke rumah-rumah kalian maka akan selesai masalah ini, dan bersabarlah terhadap pemerintah kalian.
Benar, kami memang mengingkari kudeta militer yang mereka lakukan sebelumnya.
Perbuatan mereka ini adalah kebatilan.
tetapi setelah mereka berkuasa maka wajib bagi kita untuk diam dan kita
menuntut agar kekuasaan dikembalikan tetapi dengan jalan yang syar’i.
Bukan dengan jalan mengumpulkan massa, memerangi dan menduduki berbagai fasilitas umum”.
Beliau juga menasehati bahwa adanya kekelompokkan (hizbiyyah) merupakan hal yang batil.
Segala bentuk kekelompokkan merupakan bentuk taqlid terhadap prinsip orang Yahudi dan Nasrani.
Maka orang-orang yang terjerumus dalam
hizbiyyah hendaknya takut kepada Allah ‘Azza Wa Jalla dan melepaskan
diri dari sikap fanatisme golongan.
Solusi yang diajukan Syaikh Shalih As Suhaimi kepada penduduk Mesir, karena mereka menggunakan sistem pemilu, hendaknya mereka bersabar menunggu pemilu selanjutnya untuk melengserkan orang yang sekarang berkuasa.
Solusi yang diajukan Syaikh Shalih As Suhaimi kepada penduduk Mesir, karena mereka menggunakan sistem pemilu, hendaknya mereka bersabar menunggu pemilu selanjutnya untuk melengserkan orang yang sekarang berkuasa.
Namun beliau menggaris bawahi bahwa
sebenarnya beliau tidak setuju dengan sistem pemilu yang merupakan
sistem thaghut dan tidak bisa dipercaya.
Namun dengan kondisi yang sekarang ini, langkah itu lebih menjaga darah kaum Muslimin.
Lalu Syaikh mengajak setiap rakyat Mesir untuk kembali ke jalan Allah dan mengikuti aturan syari’at-Nya serta menjauhi fitnah.
Lalu Syaikh mengajak setiap rakyat Mesir untuk kembali ke jalan Allah dan mengikuti aturan syari’at-Nya serta menjauhi fitnah.
Diantaranya dengan meninggalkan demonstrasi yang merupakan perbuatan yang bodoh dan tidak sesuai dengan akal sehat.
Dan orang-orang yang berdemonstrasi tersebut kebanyakan tidak mengajak kepada agama Allah melainkan hanya berteriak-teriak “hidup Fulan”, “jatuhkan Fulan”.
Oleh karena itu beliau juga memuji sebagian saudara-saudara kita di Mesir yang menjauhkan diri dari fitnah ini, walhamdulillah, mereka mengajak kepada agama Allah dan juga kepada sunnah.
Oleh karena itu beliau juga memuji sebagian saudara-saudara kita di Mesir yang menjauhkan diri dari fitnah ini, walhamdulillah, mereka mengajak kepada agama Allah dan juga kepada sunnah.
Dan sampai hari ini mereka selamat dari ketergelinciran ke dalam fitnah ini.
Dan mereka juga selamat dari keterlibatan dalam membunuh kaum muslimin dalam peristiwa ini.
Lalu Syaikh menutup risalahnya dengan doa :
Lalu Syaikh menutup risalahnya dengan doa :
“Aku mohon kepada Allah Al-Karim untuk
menganugerahkan kebaikan kepada seluruh negeri kaum muslimin, merahmati
mereka dan menyatukan kalimat mereka di atas tauhid.
Kembalilah kepada Sunnah wahai penduduk Kinanah (Mesir).
Kembalilah kepada tauhid.
Hancurkan kuburan yang disembah selain Allah.
Tinggalkan fanatisme golongan dan
tinggalkan kelompok yang mengajak pada hizbiyyah. Kembalilah kepada Rabb
kalian Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.
Bersatulah dalam merealisasikan kalimat “Laa ilaaha illallah dan Muhammadur Rasulullah“”.
Disadur dari ceramah Syaikh Shalih As Suhaimi hafizhahullah di link berikut: showthread.php?t=34270
Penyusun: Yulian Purnama
Artikel Muslim.Or.Id
Disadur dari ceramah Syaikh Shalih As Suhaimi hafizhahullah di link berikut:
Penyusun: Yulian Purnama
Artikel Muslim.Or.Id
Monday, April 28, 2014
Semoga masyarakat lebih jelas dakwah manhaj Salaf dan golongan Salafiyyah. Ini fatwa MUI, Alhamdulillah.Allaahul musta'aan.
Semoga masyarakat lebih jelas dakwah manhaj Salaf dan golongan Salafiyyah. Ini fatwa MUI, Alhamdulillah.Allaahul musta'aan.
Alhamdulilah segala puji hanya milik Allah yang telah mengutus para Rasul dan petunjuk.
-Sesungguhnya dakwah Salafy atau Ahlussunnah Waljama'ah adalah dakwah yang meneruskan Nabi Shalallahu Alaihi Wassalam.
Dakwah yang memmurnikan tauhid dari noda-noda syirik,dakwah yang memmurnikan sunnah dari noda-noda bid'ah ,dakwah yang memmurnikan agama ini dari segala macam penyimpangan dan maksiat.
-Akan senantiasa ada sekelompok orang yang berjuang di jalan Allah ,menegakkan amar ma'ruf nahi munkar.
-Beliau Shalallahu Alaihi Wassalam bersabda:
"Senantiasa ada dari umatku sekelompok orang yang menegakkan kebenaran tidak merugikannya orang yang menghinanya sampai datang hari kiamat dan mereka dalam keadaan demikian (HR.Muslim).
-Mereka itulah yang berusaha meniti jalan yang telah ditempuh oleh pendahulunya dan Nabi dan sahabat yang telah sampai dulu kesurga.
-Firman Allah Ta'ala:
"Orang-orang yang terdahulu lagi yang pertama-tama (masuk islam) diantara orang-orang muhajirin dan anshor ,serta orang-orang yang mengikuti mereka dengan baik ,Allah ridha kepada mereka dan mereka ridha kepada Allah dan Allah menyediakan bagi mereka surga-surga yang mengalir sungai-sungai di dalamnya selama-lamanya ,itulah kemenangan yang besar (QS. At-Taubah 100).
-Dengan bertawakal kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala ,MEMUTUSKAN.
-Penjelasan tentang apa itu SALAF /SALAFY.
1- Salaf/Salafy tidak termasuk kedalam 10 kriteria sesat ,yang telah ditetapkan oleh majelis ulama Indonesia ,sehingga Salaf/Salafy bukan merupakan sekte atau aliran sesat sebagaimana yang berkembang belakangan ini.
2- Salaf/Salafy adalah nama yang di ambil dari kata Salaf yang secara bahasa berarti orang-orang terdahulu yang mendahului kaum muslimin dalam iman Islam dst.
Mereka adalah para sahabat dan orang-orang yang mengikuti mereka.
3- Penamaan Salafy ini bukanlah penamaan yang baru saja muncul ,namun sejak dahulu kala.
4- Dakwah Salaf adalah ajakan untuk memurnikan agama Islam ,dengan kembali kepada Alquran dan Assunnah dengan mengunakan pemahaman para sahabat radhiallahu anhum.
-Tausiyah Untuk Masyarakat.
1- Hendaknya Masyarakat tidak memudahkan kata sesat kepada suatu dakwah tanpa di klarifikasi terlebih dahulu.
2- Hendaknya masyarakat tidak terprovokasi dengan peryataan-peryataan yang tidak bertanggung jawab.
3- Kepada para Da'i Ustadz-ustadz tokoh agama ,serta tokoh masyarakat hendaknya dapat menenangkan serta memberikan penjelasan yang objektif tentang masalah ini kepada masyarakat.
4- Hendaknya masyarakat tidak bertindak anarkis dan main hakim sendiri ,sebagaimana terjadi di beberapa daerah di Indonesia.
--Ditebitkan di : Jakarta.
--Pada tanggal : 12 Rabi'ul Akhir 1430 H. 08 april 2009 M.
Silahkan di bagikan sebanyak-banyaknya!!!"
~ Manaf Al Ansari shared Abdul Aziz's
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Sekitar Hudud
Tahniah kepada Arab Saudi, berjaya menjadi antara top 10 negara paling selamat dan satu-satunya negara Islam dgn indeks jenayah paling kurang di dunia tahun 2014.
Perhatikan komen pasukan analisis yang mengatakan bahawa kejayaan Saudi ini adalah disebabkan undang2 hudud dan juga ekonomi Saudi yang mantap. Sememangnya jika dilihat semua top 10 negara terselamat dalam ranking ini, kesemua mereka adalah negara kaya raya dan maju.
Tetapi apakah faktor sebenar Saudi berjaya berbanding negara pengamal 'hudud' lain seperti Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan dan Libya yang jauh di tangga bawah ranking tersebut?
Saudi berjaya kerana akidah rakyat mereka telah diluruskan. Tidak ada khawarij malah syiah adalah minoriti yang hidup dalam ketakutan di Saudi. Tidak ada bomoh, tidak ada khurafat dan mereka sangat-sangat anti-bidaah dalam urusan agama. Mereka membasmi syirik sehabis-habisnya!
Itulah sebab Saudi berjaya kerana akidah mereka murni dan rakyat mereka bertakwa kepada Allah.
Jika tidak ada rasa takwa (takut) kepada Allah, buatlah hudud mcm mana pun, rakyat tetap lakukan jenayah!
Pemurniaan akidah dan kemantapan ekonomi ini merupakan satu pra-syarat sebelum hudud boleh dilaksanakan secara efektif di mana2.
Kalau presiden parti Isle boleh keluar kenyataan terima syiah dan khawarij dalam parti Isle yang mana ini adalah persoalan akidah yang sangat besar, hudud tidak akan berjaya malah hanya mendatangkan fitnah kepada Islam. Kerana tidak ada takwa lah, Serambi Mekah kita menjadi negeri juara HIV 3 tahun berturut2 di negara kita.
Apapun, kita mendoakan semoga pilot study perlaksanaan hudud berjaya di Kelantan memandangkan mereka mengaku telah bersedia dan semoga ia tidak mendatangkan fitnah pada Islam. Semoga ia berjaya dan hudud tertegak seluruhnya di negara kita, InsyaALlah.
Tahniah kepada Arab Saudi, berjaya menjadi antara top 10 negara paling selamat dan satu-satunya negara Islam dgn indeks jenayah paling kurang di dunia tahun 2014.
Perhatikan komen pasukan analisis yang mengatakan bahawa kejayaan Saudi ini adalah disebabkan undang2 hudud dan juga ekonomi Saudi yang mantap. Sememangnya jika dilihat semua top 10 negara terselamat dalam ranking ini, kesemua mereka adalah negara kaya raya dan maju.
Tetapi apakah faktor sebenar Saudi berjaya berbanding negara pengamal 'hudud' lain seperti Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan dan Libya yang jauh di tangga bawah ranking tersebut?
Saudi berjaya kerana akidah rakyat mereka telah diluruskan. Tidak ada khawarij malah syiah adalah minoriti yang hidup dalam ketakutan di Saudi. Tidak ada bomoh, tidak ada khurafat dan mereka sangat-sangat anti-bidaah dalam urusan agama. Mereka membasmi syirik sehabis-habisnya!
Itulah sebab Saudi berjaya kerana akidah mereka murni dan rakyat mereka bertakwa kepada Allah.
Jika tidak ada rasa takwa (takut) kepada Allah, buatlah hudud mcm mana pun, rakyat tetap lakukan jenayah!
Pemurniaan akidah dan kemantapan ekonomi ini merupakan satu pra-syarat sebelum hudud boleh dilaksanakan secara efektif di mana2.
Kalau presiden parti Isle boleh keluar kenyataan terima syiah dan khawarij dalam parti Isle yang mana ini adalah persoalan akidah yang sangat besar, hudud tidak akan berjaya malah hanya mendatangkan fitnah kepada Islam. Kerana tidak ada takwa lah, Serambi Mekah kita menjadi negeri juara HIV 3 tahun berturut2 di negara kita.
Apapun, kita mendoakan semoga pilot study perlaksanaan hudud berjaya di Kelantan memandangkan mereka mengaku telah bersedia dan semoga ia tidak mendatangkan fitnah pada Islam. Semoga ia berjaya dan hudud tertegak seluruhnya di negara kita, InsyaALlah.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Deadly MERS virus spreading out of control in Saudi Arabia, leaps to Egypt as global pandemic begins
"There is no antibiotic, no vaccine, no drug and no treatment practiced by western medicine that can stop these bugs... and infections are deadly."

Deadly MERS virus spreading out of control in Saudi Arabia, leaps to Egypt as global pandemic begins
(NaturalNews) It has long been recognized by intelligent observers that a global superbug pandemic is inevitable. Humanity has created the perfect conditions for it: global nutritional deficiencies, weakened immune systems, high population density, high-speed international travel and systemic abuse of antibiotics by medical professionals. Drug-resistant superbugs like MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) are 100% immune to every conventional medical treatment in existence. There is no antibiotic, no vaccine, no drug and no treatment practiced by western medicine that can stop these bugs... and infections are deadly.
Now we've learned they're spreading out of control in Saudi Arabia, following an explosive pandemic pattern that has infectious disease experts sounding the alarm.
Ian MacKay, an associate professor at the Australia Infectious Diseases Research Centre at The University of Queensland, is now warning about where this might be headed. Over the last 30 days, MERS cases in Saudi Arabia have exploded from just 1-3 per day to over 10 per day, showing a worrisome trend.(1)
"MERS is a particularly nasty disease for those who already have a disease that is chronic," writes Ian MacKay on his blog. (2) "These include diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, hypertension, lung disease, obesity, malignancy and those who smoke or use steroids."
An alarming 140 cases have been found in April alone, and more MERS cases have been reported so far in 2014 than during the entire year of 2013.
The following chart shows an alarming trend in the cumulative number of MERS infections with a sharp spike in cases being reported in mid-April:

Healthcare workers increasingly infected: 7% death rate reported
According to data analysis by MacKay, healthcare workers are also being infected and an astonishing 7% are dying from those infections. From MacKay's blog: (2)
Healthcare worker (HCW) numbers have risen sharply (see below) during the April outbreak to a total of 84 detections, 7% of whom have died. Deaths (left) among HCWs now represent 1.6% of all MERS-CoV positive deaths. This jump in HCW detections has been fuelled by the Jeddah outbreak but also by the parallel HCW cluster among paramedics in the UAE; two as yet completely unexplained events.
When healthcare workers are infected, they tend to increase the spread of the disease by inadvertently infecting patients. This is why hospitals can quickly become extremely dangerous places during any outbreak: it's where you're mostly likely to get infected. Hospitals, in essence, become hubs that spread the disease and multiply the pandemic. This is exactly what has been observed in Ebola outbreaks, by the way.
MERS has now spread to Egypt
The LA Times(3) is now reporting that MERS has spread from Saudi Arabia to Egypt:
State television said Saturday that the country's first case had been discovered. It said the patient, who was hospitalized in Cairo, had recently traveled to Saudi Arabia, where the virus was first identified.
So now we have the first documented case of MERS crossing borders and becoming an international superbug. It's only a matter of time before visitors to Saudi Arabia carry this superbug to other nations as well.
Western medicine is utterly helpless against MERS
What's especially alarming about the spread of MERS is that all the tools of western medicine -- drugs, vaccines, surgery -- are completely and utterly useless against MERS and many other superbugs.
So when patients get infected and go to the hospital, those hospitals have nothing to offer them except, perhaps, exposure to other superbugs that are now running rampant across hospitals. Half of all hospital rooms are infected with superbugs, and superbugs are now killing 48,000 patients a year in the USA alone. Deadly superbugs are even sweeping California hospitals and nursing homes.
Western medicine hospitals are beholden to drug company interests, so they refuse to recognize or prescribe treatments that aren't patented by drug companies. This means hospitals will refuse to prescribe herbal treatments that can block MERS infections such as the "Minor Blue Green Dragon" formula which contains a highly effective anti-pandemic ingredient that has been outlawed by the FDA.
Western medicine will kill millions in the next pandemic
As this infection spreads globally, people who rely solely on Western medicine will die en masse, victims of a system of medicine which oppresses and even outlaws competing systems of medicine that offer far more effective solutions for pandemic defense. Those who embrace more diverse systems of medicine (such as Traditional Chinese Medicine) will have anti-pandemic remedies readily available. These remedies actually contain powerful medicinal compounds which have been synthesized by plants rather than by laboratories. Anyone who discounts the power of natural herbal medicine is flatly ignorant: as much as 25% of Big Pharma's drugs are originally derived from medicinal plants in the first place (then modified to be patentable). Statin drugs, for example, were modeled after the natural lovastatins originally discovered in red yeast rice.
As the next global pandemic spreads, western medicine's monopolistic rejection of natural remedies will almost certainly result in the deaths of potentially millions of victims -- people who could have been saved if they had only been told the truth about non-pharmaceutical treatments against infectious respiratory illnesses. It's absolutely criminal that when western medical professionals have literally nothing to offer for a deadly superbug, they simultaneously don't want people to have access to anything else that might work either. Their message? "Go home and die, but don't you dare take herbal medicine because that might be dangerous."
I'm not saying that a person shouldn't use western medicine in a pandemic, by the way. My advice is to use every tool you can find -- western medicine, eastern medicine, herbal medicine, nutritional therapies, sunlight therapy, etc. Only a fool limits his options to the one single system of medicine that offers zero solutions.
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Saturday, April 26, 2014
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Friday, April 25, 2014
Cannabis Kills All Known Germs
Cannabis Kills All Known Germs..Dead..Including MRSA Superbug
Dr. Robert Melamede reported recently on the current state of research into the use of natural plant cannabinoids to reduce the spread of drug-resistant bacteria, including methicillin-resistant Staphyloccus aureus (MRSA), and the prospects for development of topical whole-cannabis treatments.
Originally posted in Cannabis News
The increase in MRSA infection in UK hospitals is a growing concern
for both doctors and patients alike, but according to an American based
company an effective, cannabis-based disinfectant is available to fight
the super-bug.
MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a type of bacteria which has become increasingly resistant to antibiotics. MRSA infection has become increasingly difficult to treat, and can lead to death.
The number of cases of MRSA has been rising sharply – from 2,422 in 1997 in England and Wales, to 7,684 in 2003/4 in England alone. Official figures show that about 15% of reported MRSA cases result in death.
Disinfectant – A Huge Market
UK Children of the 70′s and the 80′s will be well familiar with the famous Domestos bleach TV adverts which ran for a couple of decades.
Domestos..Kills all known germs..Dead!
Much as they do today, animated germs and bugs ran riot across our screens (and down our toilet bowls), and the unbeatable bleach product would swing in as our saviour, and that of our families and young children.
Today, disinfectant is a huge consumer market, which sees shoppers spending millions of pounds sterling every year on liquid for the toilet, for the kitchen sink, and of course, the new generation of bleach/disinfectant wipes and sprays, used to protect our families from cross-contamination on the kitchen work-tops and food preparation areas.
If only we could kill germs and bugs as efficiently in our hospitals, right?
Well apparently we can, according to a study which says Cannabis has shown “Exceptional” antibacterial activity against MRSA.
But the truth is no-one wants us to know about it. At the behest of a government which is dead set against any positive news regarding cannabis being released for general consumption, the press simply refuses to tell us about it.
But thankfully thats not the case in America.
Cannabis Science Inc
Dr. Robert Melamede, PhD., Director and Chief Science Officer for American based Cannabis Science Inc, reported recently on the current state of research into the use of natural plant cannabinoids to reduce the spread of drug-resistant bacteria, including methicillin-resistant Staphyloccus aureus (MRSA), and the prospects for development of topical whole-cannabis treatments.
According to studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and by the Center for Disease Control in 2007, MRSA is responsible for more than 18,500 hospital-stay related deaths each year, and increased direct healthcare costs of as much as $9.7 billion.
Robert Melamede, PhD., Director Cannabis andChiefScience Officer for American
based Science Inc, reported recently on the current state of
research into the use of natural plant cannabinoids to reduce the spread
of drug-resistant bacteria, including methicillin-resistant
Staphyloccus aureus (MRSA), and the prospects for development of topical
whole-cannabis treatments
MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a type of bacteria which has become increasingly resistant to antibiotics. MRSA infection has become increasingly difficult to treat, and can lead to death.
The number of cases of MRSA has been rising sharply – from 2,422 in 1997 in England and Wales, to 7,684 in 2003/4 in England alone. Official figures show that about 15% of reported MRSA cases result in death.
Disinfectant – A Huge Market
UK Children of the 70′s and the 80′s will be well familiar with the famous Domestos bleach TV adverts which ran for a couple of decades.
Domestos..Kills all known germs..Dead!
Much as they do today, animated germs and bugs ran riot across our screens (and down our toilet bowls), and the unbeatable bleach product would swing in as our saviour, and that of our families and young children.
Today, disinfectant is a huge consumer market, which sees shoppers spending millions of pounds sterling every year on liquid for the toilet, for the kitchen sink, and of course, the new generation of bleach/disinfectant wipes and sprays, used to protect our families from cross-contamination on the kitchen work-tops and food preparation areas.
If only we could kill germs and bugs as efficiently in our hospitals, right?
Well apparently we can, according to a study which says Cannabis has shown “Exceptional” antibacterial activity against MRSA.
But the truth is no-one wants us to know about it. At the behest of a government which is dead set against any positive news regarding cannabis being released for general consumption, the press simply refuses to tell us about it.
But thankfully thats not the case in America.
Cannabis Science Inc
Dr. Robert Melamede, PhD., Director and Chief Science Officer for American based Cannabis Science Inc, reported recently on the current state of research into the use of natural plant cannabinoids to reduce the spread of drug-resistant bacteria, including methicillin-resistant Staphyloccus aureus (MRSA), and the prospects for development of topical whole-cannabis treatments.
According to studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and by the Center for Disease Control in 2007, MRSA is responsible for more than 18,500 hospital-stay related deaths each year, and increased direct healthcare costs of as much as $9.7 billion.
Survival Tips For Junior Doctors
By Dr Harlina Halizah Siraj ( alumni HO ; General Hospital KL
- August 1991 to July 1992)
Tip no. 1 - Set your intention right. It's neither
about the money, the highly respected position and the power. It is about
PUBLIC SERVITUDE, serving those who are in need of healthcare. Only after you
have served well, then only you could deserve the rewards, privileges and
rights allocated for medical practitioners! Welcome on board!
Tip no. 2 -
Have the right attitudes. Being the most junior officer in the team, you really
have a lot to catch up and learn. Never pretend that you know all. Never
hesitate to admit that you do not know, to ask questions and assistance.
Respect those who are more experienced than you. People with the right
attitudes are welcome wherever they go, always...all the time!
Tip no. 3 - Put on your best smile and outstanding manners. Greet everyone with a
cheerful salam. No matter how busy you are, don't forget to move your
temporo-mandibular joints and carve out a big smile. It will stimulate a
fountain of endorphins in your neuron synapses, and aha...the feel-good feeling
will set in. Don't believe this? Just try....just do it.
Tip no. 4 - Work
extra hard to convince people that you are reliable, responsible, accountable
and able to complete tasks and meet expectations - within the first two weeks!
Once people know you're committed, you'll gain their trust, respect &
cooperation. Just mark my words!
Tip no.5 -
Refresh your inner self with daily, constant and effective spiritual input. For
Muslim, don't ever neglect your 5 times daily prayers, no matter how busy you
are. You really need that 5 -10 minutes regular breaks. It acts as a cooling
oasis for you to rejuvenate.
no.6 : Mend your bruised heart and dented self-esteem, quickly and effectively
- each time you received unpleasant reminders of your incompetency &
shortcoming from your seniors. It's a part and parcel of the job. Admit your
mistakes, but PLEASE, try hard not to repeat them. To err is human, but to keep
doing the same error is a major blunder!
no.7 : Keep in touch with your loved ones - parents, spouses, close friends,
teachers etc. Don't shut out your life, which mainly linger around your wards,
call roster and private room now. There is more to life out there than just
work or crashing into bed to recover from sleep deprivation.
no.8 : Make friend with the nurses. Never ever be their enemy. Life would be
much easier if you know how to win their hearts. Dr Meena (Paeds MO) gave me this
very precious advice : Harlina, be nice to these people (nurses). They will
decide whether you will have your meals or not during your calls. Yesss, I
later realized how true that advice was!
no.9 : Forgive those who raised their voices at you. They might be angry
patients, stressed-up MOs, overwhelmed colleagues, frustrated consultants,
irritated nurses etc. Nobody had ever shouted at you before,eh? Being a HO,
anticipate your first experience here. Forgive them, forget them and live on.
After all, we're all just humans living in the same pressure cooker!
no.10 - Thank God for the honour of being His instrument/tool of Mercy to
mankind. A great opportunity is at your doorstep to catapult your good self to
be bigger than life. Grab that opportunity and seize the golden moments.
Nothing compares with the feeling of satisfaction whenever your patients &
relatives say : Thank you, Doc !
no. 11 - Handle yourself well when dealing with difficult people. Feeling
victimized, bullied and discriminated? After reflecting on yourself, I suggest
you pluck some courage to meet face-to-face. Clarify, admit your mistakes and
make peace. InsyaAllah, things will be fine.
Tip no. 12 - Treat your patients as if they
are your own parents/relatives. Just as how you would like any doctor to treat
your parents, that's exactly how you should treat your patients now. Remember,
what comes around, goes around! Motivate your patients always, you'll feel the
positive energy seeping into you too.
no. 13 - Express your love to your spouse everyday, using his/her love
language. Let him/her know how much his/her support & understanding means
to you. Share your ups and downs, laughter & tears. Thank Allah everyday
for sending you this special person. Those who are still unmarried, what's
keeping you, guys?
no. 14 - Be sincere in treating your patients, be gentle and caring. Control
your anger and frustration, avoid explosive emotional outburst in front of your
patients. If you really need to release the steam, do it in the washroom with
the tap running (peace, Mother Earth)- I consider that as an effective form of
anger management!
no. 15 - Keep abreast with what's happening around you - medical &
non-medical, locally and globally. Read the papers, journals & magazines,
listen to the news bulletin, engage in general discussions. Have your own
opinions. You're a doctor now! People wanna know what's going on in your brain.
no. 16 - Always extend a helping hand to your peers/colleague HOs.That's the
only way to ensure help comes your way the next time you desperately need one.
Less of `Me, Myself & I', please! More of `We & Us' now. Be a sporting
team member, will ya!
no. 17 - Make effort to remember names esp. your patients'. Address them
appropriately. If you're greeting them for the first time, use `Encik, Cik
& Puan' instead of `PakCik, Makcik, Pak Aji, Apek, Aci, Akak, Abang, Adik'.
Make quick glances at the patient's file and pronounce his/her full name
clearly. Just see how impressed they will be!
no. 18 - Endure the disappointment when you discover the realities of the
system. Witnessing unprofessional, unethical conducts - far from what you
learnt in med schools? Feeling upset, angry, demoralized? Good, at least I can
count on you to be a future committed agent of change!
no. 19 - Learn to read your consultants'/specialists' minds. What do they want
from a HO? Dedication, commitment, eagerness to learn, willingness to be
corrected & guided. Give them those, and they won't make your life miserable.
no. 20 - Keep your room in the HO quarter clean, tidy & cheerful! Hire a
keeper if you could afford one.Throw away all the rotten left-overs. Buy an
air-freshener & some flowers. Pull up the curtains, let the sunlight in.
It's supposed to be a bedroom, not a cave!
no. 21 - Spend your salary wisely. Share your first paycheck with your loved
ones. Pay up your debts / credit card bills. Recall your financial planning
lessons. Avoid weekly shopping mall rounds. Window shop with your stomach full,
you'll be able to control the cravings
Tip no. 22 -
Push the `pause' button, get out for some fresh air, watch the sunrise/sunset.
Reflect & contemplate. Remember, you just a small part of a very complex
design. Put your perspectives back on track. Inhale & exhale - be grateful
to Allah for everything you have.
Tip no. 23 -
Volunteer to help arranging the call roster.Experience the pain in accomodating
all requests and dealing with unhappy colleagues who could not get their
wishes. Best time to learn how to give & take here!
Tip no. 24 -
Be friendly & mix around with everyone. Do not reserve your greetings only
for the bosses & VIPs. Greet the staff nurses, PKs, cleaners, security
guards, gardeners etc. Drink your coffee at the pantry. Stop being choosy &
selective. Snobs are lonely people.
Tip no. 25 -
Pray for your patients' well-being. Support their emotional & spiritual
needs. Listen to their stories. Don't be afraid to be close to your patients.
You will learn how to detach your emotions & rational thinking while
looking after patients - so you'll remain objective and professional.Learn the
balance to keep the ideal distance between you and the patients.
Tip no. 26 -
Surprise those who look down upon you by exceeding their expectations. Impress
those who think highly of you by exceeding their expectation too. Whatever it
is, do your level best. Be brave to take up challenges, be humble enough to ask
for assistance and be ready to receive feedback - Recipe for a satisfying
Tip no. 27 -
Do not allow self pity to consume you now. Never curse yourself. Regretting
your life choice of becoming a medical doctor, feeling envious with those
friends who are enjoying life, free to do whatever they like? Well, I bet
they're envious of YOU too! Just hang on there, persevere & be strong.
Tip no. 28 -
Admit your mistakes and try to redeem yourself. It takes a lot of courage,
self-esteem and confidence to own up for your shortcomings. At the same time,
do not boast around and inflate yourself. If you've really done good, let
others acknowledge. You do not have to keep reminding others.
Tip no. 29 -
Enhance your medical knowledge thru' revising textbooks/notes ( I hope you
haven't sold all textbooks to the juniors in med school!). Get answers to
questions ASAP. Experience medicine with accurate knowledge/information, not
simply following orders like zombies -without critical thinking.
Tip no. 30 -
Let the deaths of your patients serve as gentle reminders/ tazkeerah - that you
will also face yours, sooner or later. Treat the dead with respect, whoever
they were. Look at those cold, still bodies - now separated from their souls.
Pray for them. Convey your condolences to the mourning relatives... they'll
appreciate that.
Tip no. 31 -
Keep in touch with your emotions, but avoid being overwhelmed. Acknowledge the
anger, sadness, frustration, confusion etc. Don't simply brush them off, what
more trying to stiffle them! Manage those emotions - you're a human being, not
a robot! Ventilate, it helps clearing up your lungs & mind.
Tip no. 32 - Promise yourself that you're gonna make one person smile today! He/she might be your patient, colleague, MO, consultant, staff or spouse & parents at home. Simple rule of life - if you wanna smile, make another person smile, if you wanna be happy, make another person happy, if you want people to appreciate you, appreciate others first!
Tip no. 33 - Commit
yourself to life long learning from your surroundings. Your patients are your
best teachers. Learn how they handle bad news, manage their emotions, ask for
help and accept their fate. Despite all the pain & sorrow, they still tell
you how much they appreciate what you've done for them.
Tip no. 34 - Master the
negotiation skills, otherwise life can be so inflexible and stressful. No
matter how busy, there is definitely time for short prayers, quick meals, brief
naps & shower time. The secret? You just have to know how to negotiate with
people around you.
Tip no. 35 - Start
scribbling your life journal / log book. You're facing new challenges everyday,
it's too precious to simply let them pass by without any acknowledgment. Write
down the lessons learnt. You will have to share those with others one day.
Tip no. 36 -
Agree to disagree - the best way to handle difference of opinions. Speak your
mind out, share your concerns & input. Don't be a YES-man all the time,
people won't notice that you exist! Learn to say ` I beg to differ' as a subtle
way to say `No, I don't agree with you!
Tip no. 37 -
Observe your consultant's leadership style closely - emulate what is exemplary,
avoid what is not impressive. Do not get involved in power play. Be
principle-centred. At times you have to disagree with your friend if he/she is
wrong and compliment your enemy if he/she is doing the right thing
Tip no. 38 -
Be professional - what does that mean in simple term? Doing the right thing
when nobody is watching! Three elements of professionalism - self reflection,
self regulation, self correction. You're expected to give your best and place
patient's interest above self! How's that?
Tip no. 39 -
Put aside some money for charity. For Muslims, start saving for your Hajj
pilgrimage. Make time to open Tabung Haji account, if you haven't done that
yet. Share and be generous. Enjoy the feel-good feeling of sharing your wealth
with others.
Tip no. 40 -
Try to perform one task extra than what is expected of you each day. This is to
avoid boredom out of routinized activities. How about volunteering to push the
patient's trolley to the OT, buying lunch at the warong for the ward staff or
helping a patient to the washroom? Yes, it is not YOUR job, I know. I'm just
suggesting. Don't be angry with me!
Tip no. 41 -
Ask yourself these questions time and again: `Is this world a better place
because I am around?' Do I make a difference?' Human beings need to have
answers to those questions. It's our spiritual need : self-actualization in
Maslow's Pyramid on Hierarchy of Human Needs.
Tip no. 42 -
Always end your conversation with your patients with this magical question : `
Is there anything else that you would like to know from me?' So many questions
can spring out from the patient's mouth - worries, concerns and
misunderstanding which need immediate attention & clarification. Now you
know why so many patients did not turn up for their follow-up visits, eh?
Tip no. 43 -
Visualize who you would be in 10 years time. It's not too early to apply
creative visualization techniques now. That's the first step towards your
success. Come on guys, you shouldn't just barely survive this housemanship, you
have to succeed!
Tip no. 44 -
Keep holding to your principles, even when nobody seems to bother. Be the only
one doing the right thing, tho' everyone else seem to favour & do the
opposite. Truth will always prevail, sooner or later. You have to be strong to
be a person of substance & integrity.
Tip no. 45 -
Be an outstanding team member. Always be helpful, considerate and committed. Be
ready to take up leadership role whenever necessary. At the same time, don't be
bullied around. Defend your rights, stand strong on your ground. You'll be
liked and respected, just mark my words!
Tip. no 46
-Convince yourself that you play a very important role in the healthcare system
of the country. You might feel like a slave sometimes, being pushed around,
instructed to do this & that. Just bear with those a little while more. You
will soon transform to be a matured, experienced medical officer,in-charge of
junior HOs who come after you.
Tip. no 47 -
Think seriously about starting a family soon. Family commitment pushes you to
another level of life and forces you to consider others in making decisions. If
you're still looking for the right suitor, keep on praying. If you already have
the potential suitor, just proceed making arrangement for a simple wedding.
Let's continue with not get stuck forever with your career!
Tip. no 48 -
Clear up your mind, clean up your heart regularly and constantly. Spend your
holiday in a quiet, peaceful outdoor environment. Keep in touch with nature.
Feel the magnificent power of God, the Creator around you. Remind yourself, how
small, weak and dependent you are to God's help every second of your life. Pray
- O Allah, just don't leave me alone!
Tip. no 49 -
Have the courtesy to meet and thank all your consultants, clinical specialists,
registrars and MOs whom you have worked with, before finishing your posting in
that particular department. Do not just disappear into thin air. Greet them at
the corridors, acknowledge their presence.
Tip. no 50 -
Get use to the fact that `Once a doctor, always a doctor!'. Internalize
life-long learning commitment. You are allowed to add the title `Dr.' to your
name, but be aware of the responsibilities that come with it. Prove that you
deserve such a noble title to be put in front of your own name!
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