(NaturalNews) The November 2011 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine reports that most emergency hospital visits for the elderly are caused by side effects and overdosing from taking blood thinners to prevent strokes and blood clots. Conventional doctors wait until you're at risk of a stroke or have had your first stroke to prescribe blood thinners in hopes of preventing additional strokes. What they don't warn you about are the serious possible side effects from these drugs including internal bleeding, stomach ulcers, muscle aches and pains, headaches with dizziness, kidney failure and a boat load of other negatives that can destroy your health. However, there are several natural substances that possess powerful anti-inflammatory properties and also help to thin the blood. These herbs can also produce their own side effects and should not be taken in combination with pharmaceutical drugs. Don't take any unfamiliar medicinal herb unless supervised by a well-trained herbalist or natural health practitioner.
Used in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years, the richly golden spice turmeric is hailed for it's ability to reduce pain and inflammation. Recent studies have revealed that its pain-killing properties compare with those of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs; however, turmeric does not cause the internal bleeding and digestive upset or toxicity to the liver that is found in some cases of individuals taking NSAIDs.Bromelain
Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapples that also has anti-inflammatory properties and is especially helpful in reducing pain and stiffness associated with arthritis when taken on an empty stomach. Its action is enhanced when taken in combination with turmeric and ginger. Additionally, bromelain is a wonderful digestive enzyme when taken with meals and helps break down proteins, protecting against the formation of uric acid crystals, which are responsible for causing gout and certain types of kidney stones.Ginger
Ginger is one of the royal ancient spices of India, China and Japan whose action works to reduce inflammation of the joints and muscles as well as strengthening the immune system and reducing digestive upsets and vomiting. Ginger has been used medicinally for thousands of years and is most effective when used raw in a hot tea; however, it is also helpful when taken in powdered supplements.Garlic
A favorite spice for many people -- and a popular healing agent around the world -- garlic is not only a potent anti-inflammatory herb, but has proven antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Eating garlic raw or lightly cooked, or making garlic tea are several of the most effective methods for its medicinal use. Odorless, freeze-dried supplements are available for those who prefer to avoid the strong scent on their breath.Water
Simple, plain and life's staple, water is perhaps one of the best blood thinners available. Allowing yourself to become dehydrated thickens the blood, causing it to clump together and form clots. Drinking enough clear, clean water each day helps keep the blood running smoothly through your circulatory and cardiovascular system, maintaining good health. The ideal daily intake for each individual is 1/2 ounce of water for each pound of body weight; in other words, if you weight 150 pounds, you should ideally drink 75 ounces of water daily.All of these substances have the power to thin the blood. There are other foods as well, such as vitamins B-6, D and E, omega-3 fatty acids, apple cider vinegar and strawberries that act as blood-thinning agents; and when used judiciously under the supervision of your health practitioner, may keep you healthy longer, prevent strokes and blood clots and help keep you off drugs and out of the hospital.
Sources for this article include:
University of Maryland Medical Center: Turmeric
Natural Blood Thinners: Foods that Naturally Thin the Blood
Herbs 2000: Bromelain
Ray Sahelian, M.D.: Bromelain
VitaminStuff.com: Ginger
University of Maryland Medical Center: Ginger
Kansas State Research and Extension: Herbs -- Garlic
The New England Journal of Medicine: Emergency Hospitalizations for Adverse Drug Events in Older Americans
About the author:
JB Bardot is trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. You can find her on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001364941208&ref=tn_tnmn or on Twitter at jbbardot23
Sumber :http://www.naturalnews.com/035465
April 04, 2012 by
Foods that Naturally Thin the BloodRead my disclaimer and terms of use. OverviewThere are a number of foods and supplements that are known to thin the blood. These include foods with high amounts of aspirin like substances called salicylates, omega-3 fatty acids, foods with natural antibiotic properties and vitamin E supplements.
It is important to note that while many Americans have problems with blood clots, it is not true that blood thinning foods are desirable for everyone in the population. I have been an easy bleeder all of my life, so I have compiled much of the information on this list so I know which foods to limit in order to keep my blood from being too thin. People taking prescription anticoagulant drugs also need to be careful not to consume too many foods with natural blood thinning compounds in addition to their regular medication. One of my relatives is on a prescription anticoagulant drug for blood clots and has had eye hemorrhages from ingesting too many blood thinning foods in conjunction with his prescription medication. Interestingly, my relative was given a list of foods high in vitamin K so he would know what foods to limit so as not to reduce the effectiveness of his medication. However he was not given a list of foods that have their own anticoagulant properties, which if taken in conjunction with his medication could cause bleeding problems. He found some information on his own about blood thinning foods after he had the two eye hemorrhages. Blood coagulation should fall within a desirable range. If blood coagulates too easily, clots can form which in turn can lead to adverse health conditions such as heart attacks. However, if blood doesn't clot enough, conditions such as hematuria (blood in the urine), bleeding from the nose aka (nosebleeds or epistaxis), hemorrhages, heavy periods in women, and bleeding strokes may occur. If a person's blood isn't clotting enough and he has surgery or a traumatic event like a car accident, he could have a serious problem by losing too much blood from wounds or surgical incisions failing to clot properly. Some of the foods that are generally thought to have natural blood thinning compounds are listed below. Please note that this is a hodge podge list based on information I've collected over the years based on my own experiences, Internet research and my assortment of alternative health books, so it's possible it may contain some errors. See your doctor before you implement any diet, supplement or exercise changes, especially if you are taking any prescription medications or have any health concerns related to coagulation. SalicylatesOne type of natural blood thinners are substances that block vitamin K known as salicylates. The most well known of these is aspirin, but many foods, such as preservatives and flavorings, also contain salicylates or aspirin like substances. Some individuals are known to be aspirin or salicylate sensitive. I'm one of those salicylate sensitive types, but I have found that I can eat more salicylates as long as I eat a balanced amount of vitamin K foods, too. (Vitamin K plays an important role in the body's in blood clotting processes. The "K" in vitamin K gets its name from the Danish word for coagulation.) Foods that are generally high in salicylates include many spices, most fruits, especially dried fruits, nuts, and also some flavorings and preservatives.
Herbs and spices high in salicylates include:
In Ayurvedic (traditional Indian medicine) many of the above spices are known as "warming spices". I think this is because by thinning the blood they increase a person's blood circulation, which in turn speeds up the metabolism and makes a person feel warmer. One of my children has had trouble with night sweats, so we put him on a diet that, among other changes, limited the amount of salicylates he consumed. That seemed to help him stay much cooler at night. Fruits high in salicylates include
Other substance high in salicylates:
Though there are some exceptions, in general most meat, fish, dairy, grains and vegetable foods are not high in salicylates. Many types of fish do however have blood thinning properties due to their omega-3 fatty acid content, as noted below. Chinese food is often prepared with many warming spices, such as ginger and garlic. One morning, after having Chinese food for dinner the night before, I was barefoot in the kitchen and stepped on a sharp pieces of glass from a broken glass storage bowl. The actual cut was very small, but the amount of blood loss was quite scary. I tried applying direct pressure to the wound but that didn't help. My foot only stopped bleeding after I ate a bowl of vitamin K rich lettuce. A 2001 study published in the European Journal of Nutrition found the salicylate content of organic foods to be higher than conventional foods. So if you are salicylate sensitive or have unexplained easy bleeding issues, you may want to experiment and see if you feel better by not eating organic foods.
I've received more than one email from my web site readers who developed bleeding problems after trying to consume large amounts of ripened berries from their gardens. They were trying to use up a bumper crop of a fruit like blueberries or strawberries and inadvertently thinned their blood from the unusually high berry consumption. One person had recently had surgery and his incision didn't heal properly until he stopped eating excessive amounts of berries. Appendix 9 in this thesis paper by Anne Swain, has a chart of salicylates in foods and an example of a low salicylate diet. Vitamin EVitamin E is an antagonist to vitamin K. Some foods and topical substances these days are preserved with vitamin E, so it pays to read labels carefully. One of my sons, who otherwise has not had any unusual bleeding problems or easy bruising, developed a severe nose bleed from a hand sanitizer that had vitamin E used as a preservative. He woke up in the middle of the night one night with clots coming out of his nose, so I tried to think of what we had done differently that day as a possible cause. Then I remembered I had bought both kids a new hand sanitizing lotion at the local pharmacy, I checked the ingredients on the bottle and vitamin E was listed. So I gave him a lettuce salad to eat, which stopped the bleeding, and threw out the sanitizer. He has not had another nose bleed since that that day over ten years ago. Foods high in vitamin E may not necessarily thin the blood, as many foods high in vitamin E, such as spinach and broccoli also contain significant amounts of vitamin K, which tends to clot the blood. I was prescribed vitamin E supplements at one time by a doctor for fibrocystic breasts. Afterwards, I developed an increased number of bleeding and bruising problems, including menorrhagia. I did some research on my own and realized vitamin E could thin the blood. Most medical articles state that people have to take relatively large doses of vitamin E in order for it to have an effect on coagulation. However, I don't think that is true for everyone. For people like me who are easy bleeders, even small amounts of vitamin E can cause bleeding issues. Vitamin B6?This is just an anecdotal report based on my own experience, but I took a vitamin B6 supplement at one time and developed a really bad nose bleed shortly afterwards. The nose bleed stopped when I had a vitamin K rich salad, so I do think that the bleeding was from a lack of vitamin K and not other causes, such as trauma or high blood pressure. The vitamin B6 tablet was the only change I made in my usual diet and routine that day. Interestingly, one of my health books noted that vitamin B6 lowers estrogen levels, and it is well established through medical studies that increased estrogen levels are linked to blood clots. As such, if vitamin B6 does lower estrogen levels, then it may make sense that it may also lower vitamin K levels and thin the blood. However, I have never found any studies noting this particular association, so at this time the link between vitamin B6 and thinner blood is just a hypothesis in my part based on information from my health books, my own experience and logical deduction. Omega- 3 Fatty AcidsOmega-3 fatty acids have received a lot of press lately because of their ability to lower cholesterol levels and make the blood less prone to clotting. Fish oil is usually high in omega-3s and can be ingested either through purchasing capsules or by eating fatty fish. Fish with high amounts of omega-3s include:
A number of studies in recent years have found omega-3 fatty acids beneficial for anxiety and depression. When eating fish, one danger is that many fish have high mercury levels, so experts often have mixed recommendations on exactly just how healthy eating a lot of seafood is for most people. The chart in this link to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency web site contains a table of mercury levels in commercial fish and shellfish. Fish may be a great food for people who are at risk for blood clots, but for easy bleeders like me it is a food I need to limit, regardless of mercury levels.
Additional Selected Foods With Compounds That Thin the Blood
Garlic and onions contain natural antibiotics that can kill the intestinal bacteria that manufacture vitamin K. Many studies have found that long term prescription antibiotic use can cause bleeding problems due to a vitamin K deficiency. However, for people like me who seem to always be short on vitamin K, even small amounts of foods with natural antibiotics properties, like garlic and onions, are problematic. I often avoid eating at Italian restaurants because of their liberal use of garlic. When I do eat Italian food, I also try to have have a salad with lots of leafy green vegetables high in vitamin K as a part of my meal. James A. Duke, author of several books on herbal medicine, notes that garlic has nine different compounds that are antiaggregants (compounds that prevent the blood platelets from sticking together). AlcoholA study that appeared in the October, 2005 issue of the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research found that "Alcohol consumption is inversely associated with both platelet activation and aggregation." Another study, published in 1986 in the same journal, found signs of subclinical vitamin K deficiency in a study of 20 male alcoholics. Perhaps not coincidentally, the signs of fetal alcohol syndrome closely resemble the symptoms of vitamin K deficiency in newborns. Based on my personal experience, I've noticed that red wine is an especially potent as a blood thinner. I had two glasses of red wine at a party a few years ago and started to have bleeding problems soon afterwards, including pain in one of my ovaries, which went away when I got home and ate some vitamin K rich foods. IronThere seems to be a yin-yang relationship between iron levels and blood coagulation. The following list includes a sampling of studies and articles that indicate when iron levels are high, platelet count is low and vice versa.
On a personal note, I developed iron deficiency anemia after going on a diet and eating a lot of vitamin K rich, coagulation inducing salads. My iron levels may well have been low before I went on the diet as anemia usually doesn't usually develop just overnight, but I think it was more than a coincidence that I only became symptomatic during my high vitamin K intake / salad phase. When I had my blood tested, during the times I was anemic my platelet count was out of range on the high side. My platelet count returned to normal levels again after I started taking iron pills and my iron deficiency anemia was corrected. ExerciseBased on studies of female athletes, vigorous exercise seems to lower vitamin K levels. Women who are elite athletes, i.e. those who over exercise, instead of being healthy actually are at risk for hypoestrogenism, osteoporosis and vitamin K deficiency. Vitamin K is necessary to clot the blood, so by logical deduction then it may be prudent to consider the possibility that over exercising may thin the blood since it is known to lower levels of vitamin K. At the other end of the spectrum, we know that people who remain stationary for long periods, such as people on bed rest, in car trips or travelers on long plane flights, are at risk for blood clots. One of my relatives developed a blood clot in his leg on a flight from Europe to the U.S. and had to have emergency surgery shortly after landing in the U.S. By logical deduction then, the table below may illustrate the links between the conditions associated with remaining stationary and the conditions with over exercising, two conditions at the opposite end of the spectrum.
Interestingly, a 2003 study from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center found that blood clots in obese people could be dissolved with regular exercise.
Sunshine / Vitamin D?In Ayurvedic medicine, sunshine is supposed to be good for a person's circulation, which I've found usually means it also thins the blood. As noted above, other Ayurvedic remedies for improving circulation, such as cinnamon and ginger, have actually been proven in modern medical studies to be natural blood thinners. As such, it would be logical to consider the possibility that if Ayurvedic medicine scholars were correct about the spices thinning the blood, they may have been right about sunshine, too. Interestingly, a recent medical study found that a "clinical trial of a biologically active metabolite of Vitamin D3 demonstrated an unanticipated reduction of thrombosis in cancer patients." Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that we can obtain in two ways: 1) through food; or 2) it can be synthesized by the body after exposure to sunshine. I don't know if this means that sunshine would have the same impact on blood as the vitamin D from the study, but it is interesting food for thought. If sunshine is found to be a blood thinner, it would confirm what Ayurvedic practitioners have thought to be true for thousands of years. Cancer and Blood ClotsIn Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) cancer is often viewed as a symptom of a circulation problem. In modern, Western medicine, the common assumption is that cancer causes blood clots. But what if the TCM version is really the most accurate view, and the reality was that blood clots, or a lack of circulation from blood clots, caused cancer? Perhaps not coincidentally, many factors that studies show may decrease the risk of cancer also thin the blood. These include sunshine, exercise, aspirin, heparin (a prescription anticoagulant), antibiotics, olive oil, fish oil, turmeric, vitamin E and garlic. For more on this topic, see my article on breast cancer, blood clots and excess vitamin K levels. Avoiding Foods that Clot the BloodFoods that clot the blood include those high in vitamin K, especially leafy green vegetables, saturated fats, and cultured foods with live bacteria that synthesize vitamin K in the intestinal tract. For more on this topic see my section: Foods and Environmental Factors That Cause the Blood to Clot SummaryIt is well known that foods that elevate vitamin K levels, such as lettuce and dandelion greens, may clot the blood. People who are taking anticoagulants are often warned to limit these types of foods so they don't counteract the effectiveness of their medicine. However, it is often overlooked that many foods and environmental factors, especially those that lower vitamin K levels, may thin the blood. This information may be important for people on anticoagulants to be aware of in order to prevent their blood from becoming too thin. Some people, like me, have genetic disorders that make us easy bleeders. However I have found that by controlling my diet by monitoring how much of the foods listed above I consume, I can usually keep my bleeding problems well under control. Selected Sources: 1. Murray, M. and Pizzorno, J. (1998). Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. Rocklin, California: Prima Publishing. 2. Carper, J. (1988). The Food Pharmacy. New York: Banam Books 3. Hausman, P. & Benn Hurley, J. (1989). The Healing Foods. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press 4. Duke, J.A. (1997). The Green Pharmacy. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press Related Links:
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